We strive to source the highest quality and consistency for our customers. The warm climate of Italy makes it the ideal location to produce our rich, full-bodied wines. Our wines are also capable of being enjoyed young due to the successful quality of our vines, the locations and our winemaking techniques.

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       Gareth the gorilla


Gareth's choice at the moment is Gorilla Primitvo from Puglia. This rich full-bodied wine is easy-drinking and delicious!



Why not cook up some nachos topped with chilli and guacamole or a burger with garlic sweet potato fries.


saving the mountain gorillas

Gorilla Wines support conservation projects in the Congo DR, Rwanda and Uganda that try to increase population figures of Mountain Gorillas. There are only 1000 of this endangered species left in the world and Gorilla Wines are proud to help support many organisations that aim to increase numbers of Mountain Gorillas in the wild.

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